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Annual General Meeting and proposed constitution changes

The Annual General Meeting of Aotearoa Quilters will be held on Sunday, 13 July 2014 at 11.30 am at the Percy Thomson Art Gallery, Prospero Place, Miranda Street,Stratford, Taranaki. This is to coincide with the opening of the Bernina Aotearoa Quilters GROWTH challenge.

The committee has taken on board a lot of the feedback from members when we looked at winding up the Association. As a result we are proposing a number of changes to the constitution. Check them out and give us your feedback with by commenting on the page or emailing us at

At this point we are looking at structuring the constitution so that it will allow us to do other things in the future if, after consultation with the wider quilting community, it is agreed that Aotearoa Quilters should be responsible for these items. Check out the proposed changes here and give us your feedback.