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Subscription Renewal

It is now time to renew your Aotearoa Quilters subscription which runs from 1 May 2012 to 30 April 2013.

Aotearoa Quilters has a lot to offer members with online challenges, the biennial challenge, the annual exhibition and the new junior challenge. There are special offers, judging mentorships, masterclasses and scholarships.

The committee needs your support to continue growing Aotearoa Quilters. Renew (online) or download the membership form and send your cheque to the address on the form.

Pay before 30 April and go in the draw to win an additional year’s subscription.

We are pleased to announce that Associate Membership will be available for Groups and Guilds at the beginning of the next financial year in May 2012.

Cost to join is $50 for Associate Membership.  Your guild will pay one $50 fee per year to become an Associate Member