Kia ora koutou!
Welcome to the February newsletter. I hope 2024 has been treating you well. I’ve been enjoying the much better summer that we’ve had compared to last year. Here in Northland we are now on water restrictions and have a fire ban in place – last year we had WAY too much water around for everyone’s liking! See The Herald story below from Cyclone Gabrielle, a year ago on 14th February.
In a happier tone, our committee are meeting face-to-face over the first weekend of March. We try to do this once a year and spend the two days grinding through as much as we can in terms of planning. Thanks to technology, we can meet virtually face-to-face via zoom every month, and we use email extensively, but there is nothing like a real in person face-to-face for getting through all the ‘stuff’ and working out all the fine details etc.
So now is your chance! If you have feedback, ideas for activities, questions etc. please get them to our secretary, Nita, over the next week and we will have a chance to look at them as a committee.
Here is a link to the contact form on the website.
On other news, please read down to the end of the newsletter and check out all the upcoming quilt exhibitions. March is a very busy month with exhibitions in Taradale, Whakatane, Fielding, and Cambridge! If you are holding an exhibition, PLEASE take the time to add it to our calendar of events on our website. That’s the best way to make sure it gets noticed and shared.
Enjoy your newsletter and don’t forget to send me an email if you have a newsletter contribution, I’d love to hear from you.