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Home » AQ Winter 2022 Jumpstart

AQ Winter 2022 Jumpstart

AQ ran a winter jumpstart in 2021, which appealed to a wide variety of our members, so we are repeating it this year. It is free, but we need you to sign up as we will be sending you info via email and will be inviting signed up members to join the private Facebook group.

The idea of the jumpstart is to do one creative thing everyday for 31 days. It’s based on the popular 100 day challenges, but it’s a bit more doable! It is a way to develop good habits, try something new, push through procrastination, and learn something about yourself, which we hope will boost your spirits in the depths of winter. Most people decide on a theme; for example: a drawing a day, sew a quilt block every day, take a photograph every day, work on an embroidery every day. There will be creative prompt words (different ones from last year!) published every day in the Facebook group and on the AQ Instagram feed, so you can choose to use these to inspire your work.

This project is not policed and there are no rules! You can post your completed or in-process images on the dedicated Facebook page if you  want to, or not. But we encourage you to, as it’s a great way to have some accountability, plus it’s neat to get encouragement and inspiration from likeminded souls. Hopefully you’ll make some new virtual friends too.